Controlling a device remotely using the Ghost Framework

Sai Rohith T
5 min readJul 25, 2020

Ghost Framework

A brief review about the ghost framework.

The tools used in this article are used purely for educational purposes and this article does not intend to the use of such tools for illegal activities.

This article is not responsible for the damage caused due to the misuse of the tools described in this article.

Usage, warnings and Disclaimers :

Ghost Framework disclaimer:

Usage of the Ghost Framework for attacking targets without prior mutual consent is illegal. It is the end user’s responsibility to obey all applicable local, state, federal, and international laws. Developers assume no liability and are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program.

Shodan Disclaimer:

Please use Shodan responsibly. Manipulating any system that you do not own is illegal. This is meant to be a research tool, and please be sure to put on your white hat before walking out into the cyber world. Shodan is just used as an example, using this to hack into private networks and servers is a punishable offense and I’m strictly against the use of this

I am not responsible for any of the issues caused by this, anything do it at your own risk

It involves huge risk, and one can be considered as trying to hack into it. And its a punishable offence

The Tool :

Ghost Framework is an Android post-exploitation framework that exploits the Android Debug Bridge to remotely access an Android device. Ghost Framework gives you the power and convenience of remote Android device administration.

This is what entynetproject tells us about the ghost framework.

Prerequisites :

  • Kali Linux (Main OS/Running a VM)
  • Basic navigation using Linux terminal.
  • Internet Connectivity.
  • Free space on Hard disk to install the required packages.(Jk 😝)

I’ve recently come across the ghost framework, and It can be used by anyone with a mere knowledge about cybersecurity.

Advantages of the Ghost Framework :

  • It can be used to access the device shell.
  • It has a simple user interface and is user-interface.
  • It can be used to remove the device password.

This is the link to the ghost framework.

Ghost Installation :

git clone

And then we use the following commands from Linux command line to install the framework,

>cd ghost
>chmod +x

Basically, it allows us to connect through Android Debug Bridge, and then we can access the device by using some commands.

So after the installation is done successfully,

Ghost Framework execution :

We first navigate into the ghost directory,

>cd ghost/

And now we list the files and folders,

>ls -l

Then we get the following menu,

Entering the ghost framework

Now we must convert it into an executable using the following command,

>chmod +x

Now since its in the executable we can now install it using this command,


This will initialize the installation of ghost framework and the dependencies.

Ghost Framework execution :

To run the ghost framework, It needs superuser privileges in order to run it.

>sudo ghost

Like any other sudo command, kali will ask us to authenticate using password.

After successful authentication we are into the ghost framework,

The Ghost Framework

Now to list all the commands we run the following command,

Core Commands of Ghost Framework

This menu displays few core ghost commands like,

Core Commands :

  • clear
  • connect
  • disconnect
  • exit
  • help
  • update

The terms are all self-explanatory, Make sure you have the latest version of the ghost framework running by using the update command.

Now we use the delivery mechanism, and we can use many mechanisms like, USBs, wireless, android debug bridge, and also we can use it as an email payload, so when the victim clicks on the link, we can gain access into the target device.

Getting the IP :

IoT crawler like Shodan, which finds vulnerable devices connected like cameras, phones, and smart home devices, like a smart speaker connected to the internet.

We can search for databases, servers, and many other similar things. And now, with few keywords, we can find the IP addresses of various vulnerable devices.

We now have vulnerable IP addresses to use as a target,

Trying to connect to these IP’s is considered as a attempt to hack into the server(s)/device(s) and it’s a criminal offence .This is purely used for demonstration purposes, I used my own IP address to test this out.

Now again back to the ghost framework,

The censored part is the IP
>connect (IP of target device)

This command will send the payload to the target device and when the victim clicks the payload the following menu appears.

All Commands to control a device remotely

Now the device is in our control, there are many commands to exploit the target.

Some key features :

eatpass     (Removes the device password)
sush (Opens the device root Shell)
shell (Opens the device Shell)
upload (Uploads a local file)
bootl (Restarts Bootloader)
reboot (Reboots the device)
recovery (Launches Recovery)
download (Download a remote file)
screenshot (Takes a device screenshot at that instant)
screenrec (Records the device screen)
wgrabber (grabs wpa_supplicant)
keyboard (Controls the device keyboard)
keycode (Use device keycode)
keycodes (List device keycodes)
battery (battery information)
debug (Debug the device)
inet (shows the inet status)
install (install an .apk)
launch (Launch an application)
wifi (Toggle Wi-Fi)
netstat (Network Status)
sysinfo (Displays system information)
uninstall (Uninstall a application)

So, basically we can do anything, the device is completely under our control

Ghost uninstallation :

>cd ghost
>chmod +x

This will remove all the ghost framework packages.

